Reflecting on my manifestations...

Lowkey I am living my manifestation from the Wolf Full Moon in January. Over the years in my healing journey I have found things that work for me. Working with the moon energy is something that definitely resonates with me. I follow my intuition but I do have a shaman I work with to keep my energy balanced and aligned, most of you have already met her. During the energy of the past Wolf Full Moon in Cancer, I got some energy healing done, stocked up on my manifesting tools, test some clear intentions and let the shrooms take me to the next level. It was f*cking amazing! I wanted to share the story but the experience was so real all I can share is be clear about the intentions you set for your life. The clearer they are the easier they can come in.

Talk about the 369 method. Using the 369 manifesting method is something I wanted to share with you because I feel people overlook it, and even overthink it because it’s so simple. We are conditioned to believe things too easy don’t work but that’s what the Universe ask of us so just try it. What’s one thing you truly want for yourself, without any limitations or restrictions. Now create one sentence that allows you to show gratitude for this thing as though it is already here in your life. For example, “I am grateful for the 1000 true fans that I am connected with through my music.” Now everyday this is what I will write 3 times in the morning when I wake up before I pick up my phone, 6 times mid-day sometime maybe during my lunch, and 9 times before bed during my hour of no screen time before bed. The key component many people lack is the ability to feel and believe that it is already here. Ask for signs to show that you are on this new timeline, and be open to recognizing them as it comes in. I may not be at 1000 today but I am closer today than I was yesterday and that is growth. If I wasn’t in love with the process of my elevation in life then I would miss it because it’s not 1000. Check yourself with this mindset, and if you struggle making that shift ask the Universe to align you with the healing support you need at this time.

Sending you nothing but love and abundance!

Cameron Joyner